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Home > PCS PRODOC - Hospital Information Management System

PRODOC - Benefits

PCS PRODOC is designed to meet the challenges hospital's face today and tomorrow. Designed to meet each challenge the Hospital Information Management System provides a world of benefits for your healthcare institutions.

Some of these real world, tangible, measurable benefits include:

Improved Patient Care by reducing human error.

When it comes to patient care, timely delivery of information is often critical. Details like allergies, history of adverse drug reactions are of vital importance to the hospital staff. Human error, especially during shift changes, can lead to troubling incidents like double medication.

PCS PRODOC helps reduce human error by:
  • Sharing relevant information faster and clearer
  • Reduction in paper documentation avoids delays, confusion and potential for human errors
  • Checks and balances within the system ensure that entries are properly validated to reduce errors.
Reduction of Paper Documentation

One of the largest and most significant benefits of PCS PRODOC is the reduction in paper documentation. Shifting the document load from paper to computers and mobile devices allows the organization to be agile, flexible and respond faster to evolving needs.

Non-reliance on paper documentation also reduces the environmental foot print and indirectly contributes to a healthier world.

Leverages industries best practices to improve the overall hospital management

PCS PRODOC is a result of over a decade of study conducted on health care institutions on a national and global scale. Industry best practices have been adopted and adapted into the system and are seamlessly transferred to your organization through the solution.

Leveraging these best practices not only helps improve overall efficiency of the organization but also helps improve competitiveness in the global healthcare marketplace.

Reduces wastage and unnecessary costs leading to more efficient operation.

PCS PRODOC not only keeps track of all the information flowing through the hospital but also protects your bottom line with features that track and monitor wastage, pilferage and unnecessary expenditures. Instances of lost or misplaced documents, medical claim documents, incorrect or worse; overlooked billings; pilferages or missing items are also significantly reduced by the PCS PRODOC system.

Detailed reports and MIS systems help you keep an eagle eye on operations and spot any inefficiency that would be costly in the long run. This results in an overall streamlined hospital information system that saves time and money.

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